Friday, December 5, 2008

Traditional Vs. Non Traditional Publishing… Releasing Your Book – The Trials and Tribulations

Well, you’ve done everything possible to get ready for the big day – the official date YOU have set for the books release.

Let’s look over what was done:

  • You have sent out all review copies, and have hopefully gotten several favorable reviews.
  • You have sent out press releases to all the important places – Local newspapers, radio and television stations and all the libraries within 50 miles of where you live.
  • You have sent out press releases to the newspapers and media stations where any part of your novel takes place (Yes, these are important)
  • You have set up the release with your Independent Publisher and already see it on and any other online bookseller, so you know it is available.
  • You have contacted the book distributer your publisher uses to make sure they KNOW about your new book.
  • You’re website is up and running, and you have all the information on it so that anyone visiting the website will know what your book is about and where to buy it.
  • You have set up associate links to the various online booksellers to (a) make it easy for anyone coming to your website to buy the book, and (b) put all reviews and quotes on the website and, (c) have full contact information

Now, all you have to do is watch the book sales fly…… WRONG!

Now you have to get everyone you know, everyone they know, everyone in your immediate family, and everyone in their immediate family and then everyone in your and all the other’s extended family to buy the book and to spread the word. Simple.

Of course, you can hope that everyone will buy the book. If that happens, and it happens quickly, say over a 1-3 day period, the book will march up the rankings on the websites; however, if you don’t get 500 or more copies sold quickly, the book won’t move up the charts too well, and the hoped for push from the online bookstores will not happen. What then?

It’s really quite simple. Word of mouth. You need to get all the people you know talking about the book to all the people they know. When that happens, interest is generated and “the Word” about you novel spreads.

All of this is good, in theory. This is a how a best seller used to happen; however, best sellers now are generated by Traditional Publishers investing huge sums of money into advertising and PR. So, it’s time to sit back and wait, right?

Sorry, writing a book is only a small percentage of selling a book. You need to book appearances at local libraries, where you talk about your book and have copies available to sell, right there and then. Churches, Synagogues, all places of worship are good venues for book sales – how do you do that? Well, many have book clubs. Get an invitation to talk about your book.

Senior centers are a wonderful resource. Check your local community senior centers and set up a talk. A word of advice: Bring snacks. That will bring the seniors in.

Book signings at bookstores are never what you expect. Usually, if you’re very lucky, you’ll have a half dozen people. Most authors who are promoting Non Traditionally published novels don’t draw in big crowds as would a James Patterson; however, even if only 2 books are sold, it’s two more people who become familiar with your writing and hopefully, become fans who will spread YOUR word.

All of that said, it talks effort and a non ceasing desire to tell everyone about your book.

A Major Advantage of Non Traditional Publishing

This particular advantage is the one I feel strongest about. Let’s face reality. Doing a POD means everything is on your shoulders. Costs, Advertising, Promotion, Sales…. EVERYTHING! But, when publishing via Traditional publishers, your book has an optimum shelf life of 2 -3 months.... Usually its 1 month before they send the stripped covers back to the publisher for credit while the rest of the book goes into the dumpster behind the stores. ( Unless, of course, the book is selling well) But, on average, when sales have petered out, the book is not usually stocked, and then it’s either online sales or special orders from the stores and eventually reaching the out of print level.

ONE OF THE BIGGEST, if not the biggest advantage of publishing Non Traditionally is that your book will never go out of print, so say, after a year of dismal sales, something happens – you win an award, you’re written up in a national newspaper or magazine or you sell dramatic rights and people start hearing about you and your novels – and the book starts to sell better than you ever expected. That’s the beauty of it! Another possibility is that two years down the line, you have another book that becomes a hit…. Your Non Traditionally published book will then start selling to those who bought your latest book, and that one is ALWAYS available, because YOU decide when it goes out of print, not the publisher.

With all of that said, let’s look at one more aspect – the why of the book

WHY did you write the book in the first place? Was it simply to get published? Was it to become a best seller and make a ton of money? Or, was it because you believe you are a damned good writer and you deserve to be in print regardless of what the people in Traditional publishing believe.

Any of the above reasons are valid, however, one thing I truly believe, is that a writer needs to write, and wants, more than anything else, to have people read his/her work and say, “Wow, great book!”

For me, hearing those words, or seeing them in print, is the ultimate royalty. Of course I’d like to make enough money to spend all my time writing, but that’s beside the point. “Great Book!” is what I long for.

Of course there is more blog to come, soon….

Please do visit my websites: &

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Traditional Vs. Non Traditional Publishing… Reviews, Awards & Other Marketing


Reviews are the goals and the bane of a writer. We need reviews to sell a book, and we need reviews for our own self-confidence. It’s great when friends tell us our work is fabulous, but to hear it from professional reviewers is incredibly important.

With Traditional publishing, the publisher handles the review submissions, so for the author it is a transparent process; however, with Non Traditional publishing, it is the author’s job to get reviews.

In my last blog, I told you that my novel, Angels In Mourning, was not accepted by Foreword magazine, because it was submitted to late. I also explained that with 99% of Non-Traditional POD books, when the first copy is printed, it is now considered published, so this can disqualify most POD’s from reviews by many of the Industry Standard Review sources.

However, there are many other avenues that a book Non Traditionally published book must follow. There are dozens of Internet book review sites. Most of them do not charge, some of them do, and others will charge for rush reviews.

Following this necessary path, I sent out 30 copies of my novel to the various review sources - both Internet and print. Of course I disregarded the fact that most print medium will not take it, on the off chance that it would be considered. (To date the three major print based players - PW, The NY Times Review of Books and ALA’s Booklist have not taken it on.)

I did have several reviews go through, for local papers and magazines, but nothing nationally. While this is good for the ego – to be recognized by your own community – it is a limited market.
While the Internet proved to be rich in resources, it’s still tough, but not quite as tough as the print resources. Book Ideas ( was the first to review Angels In Mourning. One of their senior reviewers, Kelly Davis, gave Angels a glowing review and featured it on their home page. (

PopSyndicate ( is another great outlet for reviews and marketing. Angela Wilson of PopSyndicate did both a Virtual Sit Down Interview ( ) and a “Sneak Peek”, which featured a short excerpt followed by a short review. ( Both of which have been very helpful. I have included a short list of Internet review sites at the bottom of this blog.


Another type of review type marketing and help comes from fellow authors in the form of quotes & reviews. Roberta Gellis and Ken Isaacson were both kind enough to give me this style of quote/review for Angels, and while these can be used for advertising/marketing and cover quotes, because of the nature of Non Traditional POD publishing, they usually come after publication and to use them on the cover can require redoing the artwork with all associated costs. I chose to use them on both of my websites and made sure they were used on Amazon, in the editorial review section of the products page. You can see how that works by clicking on


Another avenue of marketing that is open to Non Standard published authors is via the book awards route. Be warned, this method takes time, as the awards come out in the Spring months of April May and June. They all carry entry fees ranging from $25 - $100 plus the cost of your book. The upside to this is that if you win, you get to promote the book as the winner of the award. While there are a ton of awards out there, I tried to be as selective as possible and entered 4 award contests: (IPPY) Independent Publishers award; Foreword Magazine - Book of the Year Award; Books and authors net award and, the (NIEA) Indie Book Awards.


One thing my experience had taught me at this point is there is a huge difference between marketing Non Traditional Published nonfiction and fiction. Nonfiction seems to have more outlets and an easier pathway through the Non Traditional world than does fiction, so please beware that when marketing fiction, it will take some doing.


A veritable world is open to you when you use social networking. It means you must keep up and keep pace with everything, but it can pay off in added sales. These outlets are, Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn and a dozen others. Do not hesitate to utilize these sources.

And that’s it for this post. More to come, for sure!


Thursday, November 6, 2008

Traditional Vs. Non Traditional Publishing…. Continuing The Process: Publishing Reps and Reviews

As I said in my last Blog, the proofreading was done and we were ready. Almost….

I called my Publishing Rep, to ask a one of my always ongoing questions: This man was patient, seemingly well informed, and the ideal listener. When I called, I received a message saying that he was unavailable. I tried later that day, the next day, and the day following that. When I received no callbacks, I took another path. I called BookSurge and explained that I need to speak to my Publishing Rep, and was informed that he was “no longer with the company”. Then I was transferred to my new rep.

Meeting your new Rep, (read editor) can be a daunting experience – especially after spending six or seven weeks working closely with one person. And I was pissed as well. Didn’t the publisher think enough of me, as a writer/client, to inform me of what was happening? Apparently not, I’d decided.

After several phone sessions with my new rep, John Rizzo, I began to feel more confident. John seemed well informed, highly professional and willing to do whatever it took to keep the process rolling and get Angels In Mourning published. But…

My previous rep, the nice soul he was, had made me certain promises about book length, costs, etc. John was somewhat surprised by this, as there were no notes about anything in the old rep’s files. One of the reasons I had decided to go with BookSurge, was the final cost of the book to the end purchaser.

Non Traditional, Print-On-Demand publishing is more expensive to the reader. Where an average paperback might sell for $6.95 to $8.95, POD books sell from $12.95-$25.00. To my mind, the higher prices meant less sales, which translated to my head as FEWER READERS. Not Good.

The initial estimate for the pricing of Angels In Mourning was between 15.95 and 19.95. I asked for, and was promised that despite its 414 page length, it would retail at $15.99. This, John explained to me, would impact my royalties. I told him it didn’t matter. The price needed to be held at what I was promised.

It took him a couple of days to work this out. When he finally got back to me, he told me that BookSurge would honor what my previous rep had promised. This did make me feel better about the publisher I’d chosen, as there had been nothing in any files or emails to me about the pricing.

John did tell me that any future books would follow the standard pricing schedule of BookSurge, which is only right.

Then John began to discuss marketing: How was I planning to market the book? What resources did I have? What special things would I implement?

This was an area my previous rep never stepped into. Of course I had thought about these things, but without a completely specific plan. I knew I needed reviews, and needed a way to get my name and the books name into the public eye.

John spent an hour that day, and probably two or three more on the following days, guiding me in the best ways to do Internet marketing. Most of his suggestions were exceptionally good, and I have been following them faithfully, but that’s getting ahead of myself.

My first order of business, because the publication date was set several months ahead, was to get review copies out to everyone possible. This is when I learned that – more often than not – the standard review outlets, the magazines and websites – did not like Non-Standard publishing. Of course I should have realized this, but I hadn’t. A book is a book, is it not? Well, according to certain “standard” outlets, no it isn’t. The prestigious ALA’s (American Library Association) booklist, handles only traditionally published novels. POD’s are not considered. PW, while occasionally taking a non-fiction title, does not welcome submissions from Independently (read POD) publisher/authors. The New York Times Review of Books? Who knows, certainly not I. Foreword Magazine, which is a branch of ALA/booklist, does accept them, however, when I submitted Angels In Mourning, I was informed it was sent in too late.

Of course, 99% of Print-On-Demand will be too late because once the book is ready for printing, it has a release date. This means that most of the standard reviewers expect the book 3-4 months prior to its release date. Not really possible with POD.

Then there is Kirkus, which is among the most prestigious of the reviewing organizations: Of course Kirkus does not review the Non-Standard POD books. But, in their infinite wisdom, Kirkus has created Kirkus Discoveries, a website for “independently” produced books. And of course, they only charge around $500.000 to review the book. Oh well….

So what does a POD author have to do to get reviewed? Stay tuned, and my next Blog will go into that and other marketing necessities…. For sure!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Traditional Vs. Non Traditional Publishing…. Prepping the Manuscript and Getting the Cover Art

As a traditionally published author, the final editing for the manuscript was always a simple project: proofread the copy edited manuscript, see if there were any errors, and then send in whatever errors were found. That was it.

However, Non-Traditional POD publishing requires the YOU, the author, do the final editing, which comprises line editing, copy editing and proofreading. As most writers already know, rereading a manuscript for the umpteenth time doesn’t really work that well. Why, because whatever errors you missed – punctuation, typos, misplaced paragraphs, etc – you will usually miss again, because you are reading what you know so well you don’t usually see the errors.

My solution: Have 4 different people read the manuscript. Not just four people, but people who understand the language and are grammatically “in the know”. ) Finding anal retentive readers is also a plus.)

My choices were an accountant, a lawyer (two very anal retentive types) a friend who is an extremely avid read and my wife. My wife has always been my in-house editor, and for this final version of the manuscript, my wife used a trick we had been taught by one of my editors years ago – to read the manuscript backwards. Reading it backwards does not mean just starting on the last page, but starting with the last word and reading every word from back to front. Why?

The reason to read the manuscript in reverse is elemental. Every word sticks out. You are able to see every misspelling, every wrong spelling (to / too, is / are, new/knew, etc). This helps to make your manuscript more professional.

Once I received the four manuscripts back, I went over each of them, correcting my main manuscript and making sure everything was just the way it should be. Once that was done, all that was left was to set up the opening pages: dedication, acknowledgement, copyright and title pages. This wasn’t as simple as I’d thought.

In order to do the copyright page, I needed to have the novel copyrighted, and to get two ISBN numbers as well as a Library of Congress number (LCCN). BookSurge was there to help, and my publishing Representative explained fully what I needed to do, and what the costs would be. A few days later, I had the ISBN 10, ISBN 13 and my LCCN. My Rep had also explained how to go about getting the novel copyrighted, rather than just using a simple author’s copyright. Once again, following his instructions, I registered online with the U.S. Copyright office and set up my account. I was then able to register “Angels In Mourning” with their Electronic Copyright Office (ECO) System, and file a copy of my manuscript electronically, as opposed to having to send in either the manuscript or wait for a Galley to send them.

My next step was to set up my dedication and the acknowledgement page. Those were easy enough, but I assumed they would appear in a certain order and they did not. The acknowledgement page came first and then the dedication. For some reason, I had thought they would either be on their own page or the acknowledgements would come after the dedication. Assuming that, I’d written something into the acknowledgment that had the dedication, if read first, would have explained. Be that as it may, it was a small enough error that it really didn’t matter to anyone except me.

The title pages and my previous novels page were easily handled and once the manuscript was completed, and set up as the Publishing Representative and the BookSurge instructions called
for, I uploaded it and we were off to the races.

Every Author will tell you what they liked and disliked about every book cover gracing their novels. Very few author’s unless you are a damn good seller, gets to select his/her cover. Usually, the publisher chooses the cover that will best sell the book, according to the way they see the market. Very rarely does that book cover truly reflect the work contained in it. It’s also one of the major pet peeves of midlist authors.

After looking over the BookSurge template covers, and not finding anything I liked, I went over their costs for a custom crated cover, and winced. While their charges for setting up and printing a manuscript were very good, the artwork charges were a bit high (but from my research, I didn’t see anyone with any better art work rates, and quite a few that were higher).

I called a friend and graphic artist, Bonnie Brunt, who I had worked with before and asked her to do the cover. She agreed quickly, and I shipped out a manuscript for her to read. Her charges were much better than the publisher, and after she finished the book and sent me her first impression, I knew it was a winner - she had captured the real 'feel' of the story.

We went through a few revisions, but the artwork stayed the same: It was cover print (Title, author name) and back copy print and photo set up that had to be revised a few times. Once it was ready, and she and my Publishing representative talked specs, she finished the artwork and we sent it in. My book was ready for publishing!

While this was a ton more work then I would have had to do if I’d published traditionally, every minute spent was a good minute. There is something innately wonderful about handling even these tedious tasks when you know they are yours.

Needless to say, when my galley arrived, and I read through it, I found four more typos and one sentence that I’d thought I’d changed. Thankfully, proofreading works and I was able to make the last changes and we were finally ready.

My next blog: Have you ever lost an editor? With Non-Traditional Publishing, losing a Publishing Rep is the same thing… Oh boy!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Tradional vs. Non Traditional Publishing.... Taking the Plunge into POD Publishing and Finding a Publisher


Now that I decided to break with the traditional publishing model, and venture into the world of non-traditional publishing, I began the process of learning which of the non-traditional publishers would best suit me.

There are several major factors that must be considered: The publisher, the methods of book distribution, the online sales sites avenues, the traditional retail brick and mortar sales outlets and the marketing methods available to a POD author.


While there are several types of non-traditional book publishers available in the non-traditional publishing world, I discounted all but the Print On Demand publishers – Vanity and Subsidiary publishers, who require you buy all copies of the book and then sell them yourself was not for me.

This left Print On Demand as my choice. The choice of Print On Demand publishers was more than I had expected – Roughly, 97 different companies.

Using Google, I found a website that offered the most comprehensive database on Print On Demand Publishers I could find. The database was created by Dehenna Bailee. ( After downloading the database, I began my comparison of the POD publishers. Before I went any further, I queried the list serves on the Mystery Writers of America, The RWA, and spoke to several of my peers in the Author’s Guild as well as several other writers who had gone the POD route. When I was finished, I had a list of a half dozen POD publisher recommendations.

As I wanted to stick with U.S. publishers, if possible, as I felt the shipping costs for the readers would be lower. I further narrowed the list to 4: Lulu, Authors House, iUniverse (which is now owned by Authors House) and BookSurge, which is a subsidiary of

Then I spent another week calling the various companies (when a number was available) and speaking with their sales people (Most called themselves Author Representatives or Publishing Consultants). When I was finished with the interviewing process – at least that’s what I decided it was for me - for them, I’m sure it was called the sales process – I made my decision based on cost and the openness and willingness to explain the details of their publishing company and processes.

While Lulu seemed to be the easiest of them, and looked inviting, I also considered the overall experiences of the POD companies as well as looking at their online and retail distribution avenues. Author House / IUniverse was very strong, but their initial costs were high and the overall cost of the final product, because of the size of my manuscript for Angels In Mourning, made the end result an expensive book – around $23.00. Although the Author’s Guild uses iUniverse for their Back In Print line, a wonderful program which allows authors who own the rights to their out of print books to have them republished with only a set-up fee, and make them available for purchase online and by special order at bookstores, their costs, as I mentioned earlier, were too high for my taste.

Royalty rates were of concern as well. Traditionally published royalties averaged 6-8% for paperback and 10-12.5% for hardcover. Not a tremendous amount, but when tens of thousands of books are sold, it amounts to a lot more than a hill of beans. With non-traditional publishing, the royalties are much higher, because there is less between you, the writer and the buying public. POD royalties vary from 20% to 40% depending on the publisher. And, to be completely frank, once your book is published, you want to see royalties coming in. Why? For me, there are two major reasons: first and foremost, royalties tell me people are reading my book – which is why I write; and, second, because it helps to pay the bills!

My final decision, again based on all factors listed above, was BookSurge. One fact above all had me leaning toward them. Their Publishing Consultant was straightforward, extremely knowledgeable and seemed to have the interests of his authors in mind. I also liked the fact that they were owned by the online monster retail website, Their costs were reasonable, and their support seemed to be extremely strong. Royalty-wise, they are among the best in higher end royalty percentages.

My next step was to look the contract over. When I did, I found several things that made me feel better about BookSurge. The most important was that I maintained all rights to my book; and, I could cancel the contract whenever I wanted, with 30 days notice. This, I felt, was a very good thing. If I was unhappy with the publishing or sales results, I could move to another publisher. Foreign rights and dramatic rights, which are always a struggle with traditional publishers was a non issue now.

After perhaps twenty more phone calls, all of which my Publishing Representative handled with ease and understanding, I signed the contract and sent it in.
My 33rd novel was on its way to being published, and this time I had control over almost all aspects of it. I would be in charge of the final editing, cover art, the font type, and paper color. It was a good feeling.

And then, of course, came my other thoughts: What in the hell did I know about any of that, other than what I didn’t like in many of the final versions of my previously published novels? Well, I was about to find out.

My Next Blog: Making sure the manuscript was ready; starting the marketing; and, unexpected problems.

To view information about my first Non-Traditionally publshed novel, Angels In Mourning, Click here

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Traditional vs. Non Traditional Publishing .... An author's choice

This blog will be the tale of my entry into Non-Traditional Publishing, otherwise known as independent press or more accurately, Print On Demand publishing. I am planning it as a long-term blogging journal, detailing my complete experiences from inception through sales.

As an author, I have published 33 novels, 32 of them with traditional publishers such as Simon & Schuster, Dell, Putnam, Dorchester, Kensington and others.

For a variety of reasons, non-complimentary to the publishing industry, and now well in the past, I took a few years off from writing and publishing. When I finally to writing and publishing, the industry had changed.

In today’s publishing world, the agent is King ( or Queen) and most writers, if they are not best sellers, live or die by what an agent feels about their work because most publishers no longer accept over the transom submissions from writers.

My journey to getting published began again, two years ago, when I wrote Angels In Mourning and submitted my novel to the agents I had known in the past. After a few dozen, “good writing, but not for us” comments, I went directly to my old editors and publishing houses. Again came a slew of “Good writing, well constructed story, good characterizations, but at this time it doesn’t fit into our lines….”

Oh, well, poor me…. It must be the book. The book must suck, was what I began to believe. But my wife refused to accept that. She had read every rewrite, every word and she refused to let me give up.

So I set about asking twenty people to read the book. Some were, naturally, friends; others were past readers, and some I didn’t even know. I asked for real evaluations not compliments and certainly not to tell me what they thought I might want to hear. The results surprised me.

Every reader liked the book. Some loved it, others liked it, even one reader who told me she didn’t like mysteries, but this one pulled her in and she read it in two days - that’s not easy when you’re dealing with a manuscript of 500 + 8 ½ x 11 pages shot out of a printer and not a regular size printed book.

Why didn’t I self publish, three of the readers asked, and take a shot with the new Print On Demand format of publishing?

I’d laughed about it. Self-publishing is for people who can’t get published – for people whose writing isn’t … good enough. It’s vanity publishing – the need to see your name on a book jacket. I was past that – way past. I’m a writer. I love to write, to tell stories that pique the imagination and to entertain. I believe that all writers have one very important thing in common: they need people to read their work and like it. Why else would we write novels?

But the thought about using Print On Demand publishing kept stirring around in my head. I didn’t want to dump the manuscript in the trash. I’d worked hard on it, and while it was mine, I believed it was good.

After these thoughts stirred around my brain for a while, I decided to investigate Print On Demand publishing. I spoke with many of the writers in my author associations – the MWA – Mystery Writers of America and the Author’s Guild, and learned that quite a few of the authors had decided to go this route in publishing.

My next step was to spend time learning about POD publishing and then finding the right POD publisher.

My next Blog will start the details of my experience finding a POD publisher, going through the process and finally publishing the novel.

While ‘Angels In Mourning’ is now available to the public, on, the journey is still just underway. I’ve received several great reviews, one from the review website, and five 5 star reviews on from readers who have purchased Angels In Mourning.

The review is also available at